The Bohemian Paradise is literally filled with rocks and rock cities. The most visited places are rock city Hruboskalsko and Prachovské skály near Jičín. But the area of Maloskalsko also offers the possibility to visit rock cities, which are smaller, but not less interesting.

Rock labyrinth Kalich – Chlévistě and Besedické skály

You can get there from Malá Skála via the red trail (in the direction of Sokol and Besedice). On the guide-post Pánovo pole go via the yellow trail through the rock labyrinth and many views of the valley to Kalich – modlitebna. Thanks to many tourist trails going through and around the rocks is possible to crisscross the area. Especially children will appreciate the visit of the rocks, since the labyrinth can be a nice reward for them after a demanding rise from Malá Skála to hill Sokol.   

The way back: If you don’t want to go back the same way, you can choose one of those three variants of return:

1. Through Besedice and Suché skály via the green and blue trail

2. Across Vyhlídka Českých bratří via the blue and green trail

3. Through Zbirohy to Dolánky and on scooters via the Greenway Jizera back to Malá Skála

Suché Skály

This unique ridge of sandstone rocks is one of the dominant features of Malá Skála. It is a rare geomorphologic phenomenon - the bottom board of the sandstone was lifted up and turned into a vertical position. Since 2002 are Suché Skály protected as National Nature Monument. They are especially popular among the rock climbers. You can get there from Malá Skála via the blue trail and there is a beautiful view on them from the opposite hill Sokol, where is a lookout called “na Suché Skály”, which you can reach for example from Besedice via the yellow trail.

Vranovský Hřeben and Pantheon

The second dominant feature of Malá Skála is one of the most visited places of this area. In the uplands of this ridge, which is connected with the ridge of Suché Skály, are remainders of a rock castle Vranov from the beginning of 15th century and tourists coming from Turnov can also spot a small neogothic folly Pantheon built in 1826. You can get to Pantheon and a lookout Zahrádka above the river Jizera via the red trail, which goes along the ridge to castle Frýdštejn.


High up on the hill, on the right bank of Jizera between villages Dolánky and Malá Skála, is another rock area hidden in the forests – Drábovna. Small rocks created a unique mini rock city with a few caves and view on the valley of Jizera, village Záborčí and on the opposite bank the lookouts of rock labyrinth Kalich – Chléviště. This rock area was named after another medieval rock castle, which traces can be spotted via the hewn caves and kerfs for wooden timbers. You can reach Drábovna from Malá Skála via the blue trail through village Záborčí or via the red trail going from Malá Skála through Frýdštejn and Voděrady to

Klokočské skály

Klokočské skály are known especially thanks to its frontal solid structure of rocks, rising from the terrain between villages Klokočí and Rohliny, where you can get a beautiful view on Kozákov, Hamrštejnský ridge, Besedice and Ještěd. Deeper in the forests are number of rocks and caves and valleys which are often sought by Czech tramps for their seclusion, mystique and piece. On the boarder of Klokočské skály is a ruin of a rock castle Rotštejn. If you go via the yellow trail from Klokočské průchody, you will get to cave Postojna, which is well-known for its prehistoric settlement.

You can hike to Klokočské skály via the blue trail (through Suché Skály) or drive to Turnov-Záholice and then take the red trail. While going by this trail, you can also visit the lookout “Zdenčina skála”.

Měsíční údolí (Moon valley)

This quite often ignored area is located at the foot of the hill Kozákov. It is a very interesting area from a geological point of view, since the volcanic activity forced the sandstone plates through up to the surface, where they created V-shaped cliffs. In the valley are Babí and Kudrnáčova pec and higher on the hill is Drábovna with artificially created chamber. You can get to Moon valley from Malá Skála either via the blue trail and in Klokočí turn to Kozákov, or you can drive to Vesec and go via the red trail in the direction of Kozákov (there is no signposted path, just a field/forest path either from village Podhájí or via the turn from the red trail above the Moon valley).

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