This area with high concentration of natural and historic sights is regularly one of the most visited tourist regions in the Czech Republic. Tourists and spa guests from Sedmihorky have often sought out this area especially due to its beauty and variety since the second half of the 19th century. The name “the Bohemian Paradise” is being used since 1886, when Václav Durych put it to use. Since 1955 is this area protected and has been the first landscape park in the former Czechoslovakia. In 2002 was the Bohemian Paradise extended by Maloskalsko, Kozákovsko, Klockočské and Prachovské skály and the area between Sobotka and Kněžmost.


Historic sights

The high concentration of historic sights attracts every year tourists from the Czech Republic and abroad. However, not many people know that this area was already inhabited in the prehistory and the areas around Turnov and Příšovice are one of the most precious Neolithic localities in our country. You can learn about the history of the settlement via the exposition in The Museum of the Bohemian Paradise in Turnov.

Cities like Turnov, Jičín or Mladá Boleslav were founded at the turn of 13th and 14 century, when were also built the rock forts and castles. Some of them were destroyed and forgotten, the others are frequently visited places. 

You can get information about historic sights and the whole area at

What to visit:

Frýdštejn castleTrosky castleValdštejn castleRotštejn castlechateau Hrubý RohozecValečov castleDrábské světnicky | chateau Sychrov

Natural beauty

As the name suggests, this region has the impact of being a small paradise on Earth. Scenic and ragged area is full of forests, meadows and fields, which are accompanied by sandstone rocks and rock cities. Geologically unique territory is full of natural beauties and interests. Due to a volcanic activity there are also a few volcanic cones, the highest and best known is Kozákov, which is also famous for presence of gemstones. The former volcanoes were for its strategic position often used for building guard castles (Kumburk, Veliš, Trosky).

The places which are worth visiting are plenty in the area, for the list of them and detailed information visit

What to visit:

Rock city Hruboskalsko | Prachovské skály | Klokočské skály | Suché skály and Pantheon | Kozákov | valleys below Trosky | Příhrazské skály | Besedické skály | Bartošova pec

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Opening hours


May, September

Friday, Sat, Sun 9:00 - 18:00


Friday, Sat, Sun 9:00 - 18:00

July - August

Mon - Sun 9:00 - 18:00

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